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Spotlight on Victoria Main

Meet Victoria Main: actress/writer/producer and Duluth, Minnesota native! Check out the THREE series Victoria is currently working on, what sparked her early creativity and the inspiration behind her future memoir title.

What project are you currently working on? What is your role in the project?

I am working on a few things at the moment.

Actress/Writer/Producer: The Witches of Gitchigumee (series pilot) 2022 Official Catalyst Selection

Actress/Producer: Victoria & Elizabeth (series pilot)

Actress/Producer: The Duluth Climate Refugee Committee (series pilot)

Do you have a favorite hat under the “creator” umbrella?

Actress first. Also want to expand skills as a Producer.

What were your earliest inspirations? How did you get started as a creator?

Earliest inspiration was definitely Theatre. I saw Roar of the Greasepaint, Smell of the Crowd at the Duluth Playhouse when I was about 9. It was absolute magic. Changed my life forever. Started acting when I was a teenager & just kept going.

Whose work do you admire? Who are your dream collaborators?

I admire actresses who can do comedy & drama, although I love comedy the most, always & forever. Dream collaborators: Jane Lynch, Lily Tomlin, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Tina Fey, Melissa Peterman, Karen Robinson, Melissa McCarthy.

Is there another job in the industry that you’d like to try? I’d really like to grow in the Producer role in film and tv.

What’s your future memoir title?

My memoir title comes from my survival job coffee cup: “Quality Collision.”

Stay up to date with Victoria's work here:


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