By Kate Grady, Vice President of Production, Adaptive Studios

Last October, I attended ITVFest to speak on a panel about pitching and production, little did I know that it would lead to lasting friendships and key introductions—people I hope to work with until the end of my career. No surprise, I am thrilled to be going back again this year.
For the most part, festivals give me anxiety, as the VP of Production at Adaptive Studios, I’m generally thrust into quick exchanges with so many filmmakers it’s hard to keep my head straight. For me, big crowds and loud venues aren’t a conducive setting to get to know creative folks or let them put their best foot forward. This is where ITVFest sets itself apart. No forced “networking”—just a genuinely great time, more centered on fun than work—and yet somehow, work actually gets done.
ITVFest is a unique five-day festival held in the gorgeous countryside of Vermont that promotes forming relationships and making meaningful connections. Quality over quantity. One of Adaptive’s core missions is to identify up and coming talent and incubate ideas with new voices; the festival is a place where smart, creative individuals in the Indie space come to share their ideas—it is a well-crafted community of people who are talented and passionate.
At ITVFest, each event I attended or participated in was at a venue with capacities at a hundred or so—no more. The festival producers did an admirable job of keeping things curated – events had specificity, meetings with filmmakers for pitching or mentoring were pre-scheduled, and everything was laid out with a casual setting that was inviting and put both creators and executives on the same page. Attendees are given the perfect platform to ask meaningful questions, and feel a part of discussions. And, as a panelist, you feel like you’re able to impart helpful information and connect with the creative community.
If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be ‘impact’.
See you all in October.
- Kate Grady
Vice President of Production, Adaptive Studios