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Gen Z spends half its waking hours on screen time. Here’s the good and bad news for Hollywood

April 12, 2022 | Per The LA Times:

Hollywood is obsessed with youth. That doesn’t mean the entertainment industry “gets” Gen Z.

Efforts to reach young audiences can take studios into disastrous Quibi-ish detours, echoing that “30 Rock” meme of Steve Buscemi carrying a skateboard and saying, “How do you do, fellow kids?”

But attempts to appeal to today’s teens and twentysomethings have also resulted in some groundbreaking hits despite high-level corporate foibles. HBO’s “Euphoria” (now the property of Discovery) comes to mind. The series is a massive success with younger audiences, in a way that historically has not been the forte of the very grown-up and prestige-focused HBO.


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